At the Johnson personal injury and wrongful death law firm, we take the time to get to know our clients, what happened, and how your life has changed. If you or someone you know has been seriously injured, or if a loved one has passed away due to negligence, tell us about it. We care and we can help.
Many personal injury victims experience such horrible accidents but do not have the sufficient knowledge or information to pursue a case against the responsible party, especially since they think they do not have enough resources at hand to demand compensation from a large company or a prominent corporation.
At Johnson, we carefully take into consideration all of these concerns, but nevertheless encourage victims of personal injury to charge these responsible parties and fight to secure damages. With demanding what is rightfully theirs as a result of their accidents, victims are left to suffer and stress about the medical and miscellaneous costs of their injuries, not to mention the mental anguish that they will experience for a long time, if not forever.
You have a personal injury case that is worth fighting for, when you or a loved one has recently experienced any of the following:
- medical malpractice
- birth trauma
- wrongful death
- bike accident
- motorcycle accident
- trucking accident
- burn injury
- slip and fall accident
- dog bite
We provide outstanding legal advice and representation for each and every one of the aforementioned cases. Do not hesitate to reach us for consultation. Call us today at (480) 218- 4000.
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